Lambda expressions provides a simpler mechanism, to create or pass delegates without creating a separate methods to be referred.
In other words, we can say lambda expressions are inline functions
For example consider the following
we have a delegate CalcDelegate with two integer parameters
delegate void CalcDelegate(int a, int b)
we have a method Calc requires the CalcDelegate to be passed.
int Calc(CalcDelegate, int m, int n)
To create an Add operation with this, we will create a add method
void Add(int a, int b) {return a+b;}
So that we can call the Add using Calc
Calc(Add, 1, 5);
But for using in a single location, we have to create a function for this (without lambda expressions)
With lambda expressions we can simplify this with the inline method
Calc( (a,b) => a+b, 2, 5);
Lambda expressions are simple to create
left side of => is the parameter section
right side of => is the body section
Parameter section
- when no parameters are required for the delegate, we can use ()
- Example: ()=> Console.WriteLine(‘no parameter method invoked’)
- when only one parameter is required for the delegate, we can use paramName or (paramName)
- Example: a=> a*2
- when more that one parameters are required for the delegate, we can use (paramName1, patamName2, …)
- Example: (a, b) => a +b
- Parameter types are inferred with automatic type inferencing
- When the automatic does not help, we can use explicit declaration (paramType1 paramName1, paramType2 paramName2, …)
- Example: (int a, int b) => a + b
Body section
- When the function has single statement, no need for open and close braces, but we can use them optionally.
- Example: a=> a*a
- When the function has multiple statements we should enclose them within open and close braces
- Example: a=> { var b=a*a; return b;}
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